Saturday, December 14, 2013


Hey kids!

well, i haven't done nothing special these last weeks/months, publishing and job took too much place
but here's something
i started painting around 1990, i explored lot of different way of painting, but then after trying to show my work i realized i didn't want to join the artistic world, i disagree to make it my job you know... So i learned my actual job, which took me lot of time so i painted less & less... Since few years i'm back on drawing, engraving, but now i also wish to go back to painting, with all this new stuff in my head...
so here's few stuff i'm doing now, i started with 2 cartoony paintings, just for fun, and a biggest one which is more like serious

this one is on progress but you can see wht it is about! they are all painted on wood with pigments & different variety of oil based  medium


  1. L'essence de pétrole est mate. C'est pour ça que je l’apprécie pour les dilutions. Après, j'ai aussi des peintures qui brillent pour avoir été peintes avec des médiums à base d'huile de lin je pense, je ne sais pas exactement...
    Je préfère la première de tes trois peintures.

  2. I also like the painting on top the best. Nothing beats those googly eyes of course. But in addition the technique seems to be more focused than elsewhere IMO.

  3. thanx!
    the first one is complete, then second is just training unfinished, and final one is the one i'm working on... actually this is the most technical one but as it's big and shiny it's not that clear on picture. It's shiny cause it's fresh & on wood... I'm using a renaissance medium that i made, i don't use commercial stuff (& here's nutoil, not linseed) so it's oil+resins=shining
    if you want mate use wax or poor medium painting, or absorbant ground...

    painting reflect my incapacity to fix on a style, i enjoy doing cartoony stuff as much as this more painted one. On first paint i just use smooth technic which is always good result but a bit boring to do....
