Sunday, April 27, 2014

Adolf Wolfli

Going through some of my old stuff and making scans. This portrait of Adolf Wolfli is from 1997. Black and white ink on top of xeroxed zip-a-tone structures. (No photoshoppery in those days yet). This was published in my anthology Thank god it's Ugly #6, of which still a few copies remain.


  1. Very good portrait, love the scratchy shading.

    Coincidentally, i have a Wolfli drawing as my desktop image!

  2. He ranks in my top 5 of outsider artists. Seen a show of his original works once, amazing.

  3. I saw an exhibition of his work too (in Brussels).

  4. A very good drawing and a great artist.
    I saw his work once in De Stadshof in Zwolle. I already liked his work but seeing the real stuff was even better.

  5. Yes, that is the exhibition i meant. Some of the works had such an unexpected monumental quality!

  6. It's such a shame that De Stadshof doesn't excist anymore. A saw a lot of great outsiderart there.

  7. The Stadhof's collection was transferred to the Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent. A wonderful place!

  8. I know. I've been there too.
    But since I live in Deventer I preferred Zwolle ;-)

  9. Thanx for showing me the existence of Adolf Wölfli's great art! He's absolutely one of the greats now for me. Also y'r portrait of him is excellent, Marcel.
