Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Original Whirlwind of Evil is Back.

Hi, my name is David Paleo, any doubts about it you can consult this earlier post on this very august blog:

I drew a set of fake Papal cards for a local magazine that appeared last saturday

Here's a snapshot of the finished page:

And here's the drawing that appeared at the rear of every card, under copious text describing the stats of every Pope.

Lots of crazed new artists here, i'll try to catch up with everything!


  1. Nice to see your drawings there again!

  2. Sick...

    Good to have you back David, I say that as a lapsed Catholic. Actually I'm opening up a chain of combination confession/lunch drive through restaurants.

    You know part of me is afraid of the hellfire if I continue this chain of thought, being led off the straight and narrow already...

    Great work.

  3. Yay!, Mr Paleo! You're not only a fxxkin' great artist, but more're funny as hell as well! Well cum back, David!

  4. Hello David, and welcome back! That's a nice bunch of evil popes you've got there....

  5. Holy shit, I totally missed this. It's fucking great to have you back David!

  6. Cheers David! great work as usual!
