Tuesday, October 28, 2014


gosh it was forever ago Zeke asked if I wanted to join this blog, and it's really about time I said hello with a few of my drawings. I don't know where to start so I just grabbed whatever came to hand. If this is of any interest to you, maybe you would like to have a look at my tumblr which I'm trying to develop a habit with at the mo.


  1. Beautiful drawings! I'd like to give you a warm welcome to EBD. Tahnks for sharing your stuff here.

  2. Good stuff! The strange models/sculptures/mutant toys on your flickr are very enjoyable.

  3. I especially like the third one, i'm a sucker for nihilistic sloganeering.

  4. Welcome.

    I like the color combination in the second.

  5. thanks everyone!the second one is different colours to my normal stuff cos i was messing around with stabilo .88s, they almost felt like pencils in comparison to my usual pens, i should do more with them sometime. i've got a little more miserable slogan stuff here
