Saturday, April 23, 2016

EBD Berlin show opening - April 22 2016

 So our Berlin show opened yesterday evening and I would say it was a big success. Lots of people showed up and judging from their reactions they generally liked what the saw. Here's a couple of photos to give you an impression of what the show looked like.


  1. Hooray! Pleased to hear the show was well received- great job putting it together :)

  2. Looks good. Proud to be part of this. Thank you, all

  3. Yes, I also think the show turned out really good, and seems like most people who attended it thought so as well. Also nice that as much as 4 Duckers actually was there in person at the same place at the same time. Btw, I like this second photo where Eglé are NOT giving the Devil sign with any of her hands. Probably since she didn't know the photo being taken..

  4. Thank you for putting this together! It looks fantastic and I too am proud to be part of this collective. Any thoughts on where this might take place next?

  5. Well done, my fellow ducks!

    Shame about not having been able to attend, that's life. I think this looks very professional and cool.

  6. we can find a place here if you like it, i doubt we could have so much EBD together but we have some visitors

    but walls are bigger, we can hang much more and also print stuff here by silkscreen

    up to you

  7. Y'r proposal above, Romu...sounds absolutely fantastic to me! Especially this that you then also could print up some posters on silkscreen from all contributors. I would also luv to come down there then to once and for all check out that Garage L of yours. At least I will come visit you sometime in the future to print up "Kein Mampf"-zine on silkscreen together with you. If that offer still is valid, I mean.

  8. it'll be great! you're more than welcome, we love visitors!

  9. Thank you very much!!! It looks good.

  10. That's one hell of a room! EBD Rules!!!
