Friday, June 09, 2017

Liquefaction Dance

Hi folks,
sorry for not posting in ages! I'll post more in the coming weeks, promise.
I'm currently back in Portland OR again, working on all sorts of stuff.
Here's a sketchbook doodle which I inked for fun.


  1. At first glance i thought it was a Silver Surfer pose, without the board....

  2. The Silver Surfer may have a nice board, but has to cope without genitals.

  3. "Liquefaction." One of the finest words in the english language. First heard it used attached to a medical photo: "Liquefaction and excretion of the intestinal tract." In fact, I don't think I've come across it again until now.

  4. Kurt: isn't it a great word? I might be wrong but I believe I first came across it watching an old Vincent Price adaptation of Poe's "The Facts in the Case of M.Valdemar" as a kid... man, I think I have to watch that again.
