Sunday, November 26, 2006

FuFu's First

My name is FuFu Frauenwahl. I do comics, illustration and concept art and just moved back to Germany again, after living in the Netherlands a little over a year. I too will be as old as Christ in three months.
It's cool to be on this blog!

Luke asked me to do a banner for this blog so here's what I've come up with.

And a slightly different version with a little more color.

I think the last time I've drawn ducks before these was when I used to copy images of Donald in elementary school. Here's a few more sketches I did while working on the banner.


  1. Fufu i fufuckin'love you, my vote goes for the first, more monocromatic banner

  2. glad you like it, david. coming from a draftsman like you that's a great compliment. i think i prefer the monochromatic one, too.

    do you guys think the banner should be wider i.e. have less height? i used the measurements of Aeron's Monster Brains-banner.

  3. I'm gonna be awkward and say I prefer the second more coloured banner, they're both incredible though!really good to see the other b&w drawings you did too.

  4. I love the sketch with the cutlery. The banners are both great; I think I prefer the colored one slightly myself, for what that's worth....

  5. Incredible! Those are some really demented looking ducks. I like both the banners so I guess I can't be any help there.

    Nice Rubber Johnny portrait!

  6. The banner is awesome! I think I'll go with Fufus' recomendation and use the more monochromatic one.
    thanks FUFU!

  7. I'm pleased to hear everyone likes the banner. To be honest the monochromatic one is the result of a corrupted Photoshop file, so it was kind of an accident. But I liked it and decided to make it an alternative version.
    As I said, I could try to decrease its height a bit, so it doesn't take up so much page space. Luke if you want I could also integrate the subtitle...

    Anyway, thanks again everybody!

  8. Yeah, I'll do a subtitled one. In fact, I could do a number of them with different subtitles and we could switch them out.
