Sunday, November 26, 2006

Posted by Johnny-Come-Lately

Well, despite the burden of retail and much time spent with family and a few old friends over the last week, I was able to finish this drawing over the course of a couple mornings before leaving the house.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I am Chad Verrill. I don't personally know anyone affiliated with this blog but am happy to part a part of it and hopefully making this a group effort will increase all of the eyes that see our work and ambitions and expose us all to things we might not otherwise know about.

I spend most of my art time drawing comics and do a couple color pieces a month and some kind of screen print or linoleum cut every few months.
I have done illustration from Children's Books to Hustler Magazine and currently do not pursue that at all to allow my focus to be tightened.
In the beginning of 2007 I will be printing my first professionally printed comic since my far-flung days of teenage zines.

In three months I will be as old as Christ.


  1. Great drawing Chad! I had no idea you'd done "pro" illustration work. Can you post anyof it here? I'm just curious.

  2. What a demented drawing, fantastic! I love the colours and the pale green intestinal thing floating in space!

  3. I dig the armored figures. The drawing style is bizarre.
