Saturday, February 03, 2007


-click to enrage


  1. It would be awesome if you had access to a projector that you could use to project these images onto a large sheet to recreate in ink and paint.

  2. Iagree. Thinking about screenprinting too. It's easy on photoshop; each layer is a screen.

  3. Another idea is to get thin sheets of cheesecloth or some very translucent fabric that you could paint on and layer sheets together to compose some bizarre multi layered image that could be pulled apart.

  4. God Aeron, you must go bonkers with all the cool ideas that you come up with.
    I see a bat demon protecting am angry cartoony leader which means I am sane because that is a normal answer to a Rorschach (or however you spell that). Yipeee!! Jon's not mad!!
