Saturday, February 03, 2007

Snow Fool


  1. You always manage to come up with some of the most bizarre scenes in your drawings.

  2. That's more good drawing. Good job

  3. Thanks Luke.
    Aeron I wish I was the mad genius you might think me to be. For this series I am referncing film stills or ancient artworks. I suppose the skill is in picking the reference material. I find that i draw in a more measured fashion when I have something to reference. I figured that I would put the same characters in an ongoing narrative for this blog that could also exist as images in their own right.
    Its fun and I like having to produce something once a week for this blog. After a while I should have a good body of artworks under the belt which is a nice prospect.

  4. I see, something that works good in composing an interesting image that isn't straight from the imagination is to look at thumbnail pictures of random pics, you often see something that upon viewing the full sized image, isn't there at all. A thumbnail view might resemble a group of 3 characters huddled in some intriguing position only to become sections of a house or rock outcropping in the larger version. I've gotten a lot of good ideas that way.

  5. That's a really nice idea. I might try that too!
