Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Age Nihilists


  1. This is great; really creepy and disturbing.

  2. Fantastic, so did you study up on the way a breast actually discolours and pools up with blood in death? Because that is a very realistically portrayed dead tit! I've got a huge archive of pictures that concern many putrid images of corpses that I use as chunks and pieces in my digital stuff so I've seen a lot of rotten boobs!

  3. What the fuck is happening with that little baby in the right hand corner with one eye and a wound for a face... this is your most twisted vomit splurge yet!!!!

  4. Hey guys, thanks! sorry i've been offline for a while, lots of great stuff posted meanwhile.

    Aeron: well, this drawing is an improv, i just couldn't get that nipple right! (and i'm so GOOD at nipples) but, you know, i used to be a huge gorehound, buy stacks of these sick paraguayan tabloids, one page you'll get close up photographs of a rotten baby corpse hanging from a tree, next one you'll get a hot paraguayan girl naked!!! a sex & death hot misery soup...

    Anyway, i used to swap medical books with my high school pals, (long before i heard of Joe Coleman) we were just... plain sickly cruel kids!

    And one day i couldn't take it anymore, no great turn-the-page-event, one day i just couldn't look at this shit anymore, become really squeamish, though no drawing ever bothers me, and, knowing you draw material for your fantastic digital collages from this stuff makes me wonder if not initiate a very literal "exquisite corpse"?

    All manipulated dead flesh!

    we even may make it a mean voodoo deal, someone you hate head's followed by a mile of digitally rotten meat.

    Any takers?

  5. hehe, sounds like a fun activity, in a fucked-up way. i'm in.
