Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I've been a bit swamped lately, but here's some weird characters and the obligatory cthulhu sketches (sorry Robert). Magnificent new work all around!


  1. The background in the worm creature works really good. You should really push in that direction with these, the surrounding environments really adds something to the creatures. And in some cases it could do a lot to tell a backstory. Underwater environments, ritual alters, floating chunks of rock in some deranged abyss, bits of Lovecraftian ruins for added effect, that sort of thing.

  2. inverted creatures are just beautiful. you have absolutely captured the feeling of oceanic depth & light

  3. deep deep sea documentary filmed from a victorian era creaking sphere.

  4. Yeeaaah!!! great slimy critters, love the distorted bug/penis look to the first inverted one and the exploratory tentacles on the last one.
    Also if you see the wings as the head on the 3rd one it looks like it has a disgusting case of arse worms.
    Sorry to lower the tone chaps....
    Would be amazing to see your take on characters from Dune Fufu....

  5. p.s. good point by Aeron, the sketchy backgrounds really add to 'em.

  6. I third the notion about backgrounds. Wonder what the creatures could interact with? Very nice as always. Do you look at any real animals for parts inspiration?

  7. hey Zeke that`s a great idea about Dune.

  8. Thanks everyone!
    Chris, no I don't look at reference, I uually just open my sketchbook and let my drawing hand take over.
    I see what you guys are saying re: backgrounds, but since the whole series is mora about viations in anatomy I'm not sure too much landscape would not distract from that. But yeah.

  9. Great Cthulhoids Fufu. The shapes are getting pretty interesting. I think i'm gonna start doing this approach with my Trolls, at least more intentionally, cos they all have to have different shapes, but i really like the exaggeration of forms you've been doing.

  10. amazing shit, i love the color critters, and the Cthulhus, particularly the last two are a perfect blend of freeflowing line and killer design.
