Tuesday, July 01, 2008

with and without


  1. It's the eyeless younger sibling of Karloff!

  2. I like the character. One technical comment would be that the position of the hands in the 3rd panel seem to be too closely ligned up with the lines of the bodies in the first 2.

  3. I should post the next page because that positioning does tie into the layout of the following panel, so it was somewhat deliberate.

  4. I really *like* how the hands are tangent to the bodies in the panels above them. I think that's a trick that hasn't been explored enough in comics... I mean, you could literally make the reader re-read the page in numerable ways while still telling a straightforward story...

  5. I would really love to see this guy just breaking stuff and kicking the shit out of people for no goddamn reason, other than to attract attention to his name.
