Sunday, September 28, 2008

Die Gummipuppen...DIE! Pung Krock im Damenklo

"Die Gummipuppen...DIE! Pung Krock im Damenklo", an exhibition by:

CrippaXXXalmqvist (Fin Swe/DE)

Marc van Elburg (NL)

Zeke S. Clough (UK)




What would you get if you were to give three of Europe's more obscure underground comix artists 100% totalitarian freedom to create a collaborative work of oldschool trash art thru' snail mail?

Well, of course you'd see legions of damned midgets wearing vulva-shaped hats with eyeballs for clit, working their sweat off in some weird cyberfactory, where they'd produce a deranged mutant MiKKKey Mou$e-mutoid with a 6,66-foot cock to impregnate serial-produced Dominatrixes in tight leather boots'n'rubber spandex.

You'd get confused Wehrmacht skeletons, with one hand in a 220 Volt plug socket, and the other shootin' up hyperdiesel from an automatic impregnator, whilst touring in a K-mart-shaped UFO thru' the rotten intestines of some bizarre unknown giant.

Of course you'd be seeing miles'n'miles of organic wasteland, with the occasional bloodshed eyeball poppin' out. And you'd get filthy, primitive liquid RAWK!

Yeah, of course you would...


Was würden Sie erhalten, wenn Sie drei von Europas unverständlicheren komischen Künstlern 100% totalitäre Freiheit geben sollten, um eine kooperative Arbeit der alte Schule Abfallkunst durch Schnecke Post zu verursachen?

Gut, selbstverständlich würden Sie Legionen der verdammten Zwerge sehen, die vulva-geformte Hüte mit den Augäpfeln für Kitzler tragen und bearbeiten würden ihren Schweiß weg in irgendeinem sonderbarem cyberfabrik, wo sie ein geistesgestörtes durch Mutation entstehende Variation MiKKKey Mou$e mutoid mit einem 6,66-fuss-hahn produzieren würden, um Serien-produziertes Dominatrixes in den festen ledernen Aufladungen und im Gummispandex zu imprägnieren.

Sie würden konfuse Wehrmacht Skelette, mit einer Hand in einer 220-Volt-Steckereinfaßung und das andere schießen herauf hyperdiesel von einem automatischen imprägnator erhalten, während, beireisend in ein K-Handelszentrum-geformtes UFO durch die faulen Därme irgendeines seltsamen unbekannten Riesen.

Selbstverständlich würden sie auch meilen und meilen des organischen Ödlands sehen, mit dem gelegentlichen Blutvergießenaugapfel heraus knallend.

Und Sie würden schmutziges, primitives flüssiges FELSEN erhalten!

Jawohl, selbstverständlich wurden Sie...

Opening on Saturday, October 11th, 19:00/7pm

Live gigs (20:00/8pm):

Vinyl -terror and -horror (DK/Berlin - harsh ambient)

Cheapmachines (UK *-* improvised electronics)

Claudio Rocchetti and Valerio Tricoli (Berlin/Italy/Sicily - tapes+turntables+tapes)

at Le Petit Mignon (Staalplaat store), Torstr. 68, Berlin Mitte

Ubahn/Metro Rosa-Luxemburg Platz

2eur on the first drink for the musicians!

About Vinyl -terror and -horror:

Vinyl -terror & -horror

operates through a multiple arrangement of turntables: rebuilding layers of loops

and sounds into a seductive noise experience.

About Cheapmachines:

Philip Julian has been an active part of the experimental music underground since the late 1990's recording numerous works under the name Cheapmachines. Performances are improvised using contact microphones, amplified objects/surfaces and feedback. He has also created various computer based works using software environments such as Max/MSP, Super_Collider, Pure Data and also using the open source GNU/Linux operating systems Debian and the pure:dyne distribution. He has collaborated on recordings and performances with Maurizio Bianchi, The A Band, Birchville Cat Motel, Tomas Korber, The New Blockaders and GX Jupitter-Larsen of The Haters.


  1. Looks like a good time, wish I could be in Germany to check out the music and art goings ons. That face looks like Frankenstein after a serious fight with the Wolfman and Mummy ganging up on him for talking shit about Dracula's lack of wine appreciation.

  2. Sven from Smittekilde is going to print the book of the exhibition, is he not?

  3. Weird how great the white background looks in the first picture, great job and yeah, i wish i could go, make sure to post pictures of the show!

  4. Cheers!
    Gaiihain; Extrapool is printing a 24 page version of the book and two posters, then we're going to visit Zven's workshop to print a dee-lux version.
