Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Saul Bass - Antsy, Artsy

A few screen-grabs here from Phase IV, directed by Saul Bass. This is a fantastic, beautifully made movie, recently released on DVD and well worth finding and watching. For the full set of shots, as well as more inane blathering by me, go here.


  1. I saw this for the first time a couple years ago, The movie poster is really fantastic with the ants on the hand, very weird. Great screen grabs, I forgot how interesting the visuals were in this.

  2. I've never heard of Saul Bass and it's pretty clear I should have a long time ago.It looks amazing. Its at the top of my Netflix queue.
    Thanks Jeffrey.

  3. Yeah I agree, Phase IV is an extraordinary film. I had never heard of it either, until I accidentally zapped into it on TV several years ago and immediately got sucked in. Really great film still picks, Jeffrey.

  4. I love his title work but didn' t have a clue about this movie, looks amazing.

  5. Here's a cool site where you can click through many title sequences bass designed.

  6. Thanks fellas! I'm just glad it's finally on DVD and relatively easy to find now.

    I think ther are some other Bass shorts on youtube...

  7. This is a beautiful film, well worth checking out.
