Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Edd Cartier's "Travelers of Space"

Hey everybody, thought I'd plug one of my favorite blogs: Mr. Door Tree's Golden Age Comic Book Stories, which features, in addition to old comics and comic covers, amazing classic book and pulp illustrations. The examples above are from a recent post about pulp artist Edd Cartier. I thought many of you would get a kick out of them, as they're pretty Lovecraftian, and beautifully drawn and printed. Anyhow, enjoy, and if you dig this sort of thing, check out his blog on a regular basis.


  1. Yep, I was actually considering posting this on Monster Brains a few days back but decided on another Golden Age blog post to reference, the one with some old Lovecraft illustrations. Anyway, yes I've been digging this blog over the summer. I'm impressed at the amount of content gone up on the blog in such a short time period. And thanks for that Monster Slurpee suggestion! I want those cups!

  2. Ah, thought you'd like those, Aeron. I had an art prof at IPFW who was way into monsters and had a bunch of stuff like that, real interesting, talented guy.

  3. Awesome creatures Jeffrey! I aslo visit GACBS regularly, but for some reason I had completely missed these. Thanks!

  4. There's so much brilliant art that was destined to be forgotten being brought back to life on the web, i can't find the words to describe how grateful i am, just today Pappy ( http://pappysgoldenage.blogspot.com/ ) posted a 13 page Boody Rogers story, this was the stuff i DREAMED of reading when i was young
