Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bill the Cat & Garfield on a Rampage.

Erik Den Breejen & Me did this painting when we were 9 or so. I'm sure i did some painting in school, but this is probably both of our first actual "art" pieces. We're both professional artist types now, so your childhood inclinations should be trusted. Just in case you couldn't figure it out, it's Garfield & Bill the Cat in a stolen police car running over a hippie.

Bill the Cat & Garfield on a rampage.

I appreciate that my style & my inclinations have not changed in one bit since i was that age.


  1. Fun! I have a drawing as well which is related to what I’m currently doing… I’ll post it someday.

  2. Hell yeah, gotta love the look of sheer terror on that hippie's face. Now if only you two had painted this car at a slight angle so you could have included a few rows of peace signs on the car door.

  3. Ha ha. thanks dudez. Paleo, HELL YEAH. I'm going to make a button that says that.
