Sunday, December 14, 2008

Something Sick and Fantastic

Goofin off in photoshop.

Edit - I was browsing flickr to see if there were pics of the Fantagraphics Beasts! print show that opened last night and found THIS. I was amused to find my print at (almost) the dead center of the photo collage.


  1. Mmmmmmm....Dinner!!!!!
    Great to see your sickness spreading into colour, mebbe some psychedelic, ultra toxic mould spores'd look cool?

  2. Good ! May be the square part around the head would deserve to be a little more surprising? May be a halo? I don’t know. Anyway that’s a brilliant piece. Smug and trash.

  3. Thanks, yeah the whole squared off photo of the dead.. er, I think that's a cat? was laid down intentionally unmessed with. I'm finding doing these looser quick sketch like collages where I don't bother with some of that detail ends up looking interesting afterwards. I find myself doing these quick sketch collages when I'm stuck in a rut on other projects that take a long time to complete.

  4. it fuckin kills me when you do this shit in color, this is still crude but, wow.
