Peter Pan Animation Concept Painting (Disney, 1953). Captain Hook and one of his crew explore an exotic island by lamplight. Rendered in tempera on heavy illustration paper, the art has an image area of 9.25" x 5.75".
Cinderella Animation Concept Painting Original Art (Disney, 1950). Cinderella's magical coach makes its way towards the Prince's castle. Rendered in tempera on heavy illustration paper, the art has an image area of 7.75" x 6.25".
"Cinderella" Animation Concept Painting Original Art (Disney, 1950). This exquisite concept painting by Mary Blair features Cinderella's castle in all its regal glory lit up against a dark night. Rendered in tempera on heavy illustration board, the art has an image area measuring 8" x 6. 5"
"Cinderella" Animation Concept Painting Original Art (Disney, 1950). Cinderella rushes down a flight of stairs in her ball gown. Rendered in tempera on heavy illustration board, the art has an image area measuring 6.25" x 5"
"The Adventures of Ichabod Crane" Animation Concept Painting Original Art (Disney, 1949). Ichabod Crane finds himself sitting backwards on his horse with the Headless Horseman close behind. Rendered in tempera on heavy illustration paper, the art has an image area of 8" x 7".
Wikipedia article on the artist here.
Not a fan of the films, but man oh man did Disney have some great artists work for them -- especially background and concept artists. Elvynd Earle is another great stylist.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, it would be awesome if someone recreated some of their films in the original art style done for the conceptual paintings.
ReplyDeleteAnd funny you should mention Elvynd Earle, I've got a really amazing post I'll be doing on their concept paintings for Snow White at Monster Brains this week. Really inspiring work.
Man, i love how rocking these are. I feel that despite the total dreck Disney produced, there are alot of elements that redeem him. Centrally there is Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia. This alone is enough to cover most of the bad parts of the early Disney movies. Concept art by Kay Nielsen!
ReplyDeleteI've got some amazing imagery from Night On Bald Mountain that I'll be Monster Braining soon. I have a high res charcoal drawing of the devil on the mountain lurking over the landscape with all the smaller demons below, really inspiring image. I had access to a laserdisc copy of Fantasia that had a really awesome painting from the Night On Bald Mountain inside the booklet. I scanned the damn thing but lost track of it. As soon as I can find that pic, I'll be doing a big post on NOBM.