Saturday, June 20, 2009

Three New Paintings

I have been in a real art slump these days (this year), or maybe moreso I just don't seem to find the time I used to to sit down at my table and get some sh1t done. It might be that I have too much normal adult life stuff to do, or that I am losing my drive as I age, or that I work too much, or that I drink too much, or that my pills take away my emotions, but luckily, I was aksed by a local organization to do 3 new pieces for their charity show they do every year where about 100 local artists provide pieces that they frame in 10 x 10 black frames and display in a giant room for one night. All the charitable folks from around the town show up and buy the pieces off the wall and everybody wins. Last year I even made money from it, which was beyond me because I thought I was doing the work for charity. These are what I came up with. They do not mean much or say much, but they are pretty and most anyone can appreciate them. They are inspired by female ejaculation.


  1. Great paintings, Chad. I love the stylized trees and plants. If you find yourself not making art as often as you'd like, I'd suggest keeping a a simple sketchbook and making it a point to draw something in it at least once every day. At least you'll keep the ideas flowing!

  2. Yeah, they are really good. I don't see anything wrong with going for the decorative. It's just as noble a goal as many others. I go through fallow periods too..
    It's good to see you back here though, either way.

  3. "They are inspired by female ejaculation"

    Isn't everything?

    Lovely work.

  4. Major Kay Nielsen feeling coming out of these ones, but without subject matter. Very nicely done but also, very empty?

  5. I know the blog format doesn't allow for horizontal postings, but it would be nice to see these three works arranged side by side to emphasize a continuing landscape vibe from one to the next. Also, Chad, given the subject matter these might be of particular interest to my step mother. She wrote a book on the female orgasm. Heheh.
