Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A Son of Kyuss

  This is a drawing from my sketchbook that, until today, I had only posted on Facebook, I think. It's not much, but it certainly exposed me to a lot of really disgusting maggot-embedded reference material. One video, in particular. I know about the Sons of Kyuss from the Fiend Folio. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, they were made up for that book, or they were in a previous D & D campaign and were therefore included. As I recall, they attacked you in hordes (something creepy about masses of undead children rushing towards you) and the maggots could leap from their heads and eye sockets at you.


  1. Good! I don't know nothing about these reference but I like that creepy one!
    These colors remind me the work of Rémi which we showed last month,

  2. Maybe that artist has the same type of sketchbook as me. I love them!

  3. great drawing! those maggots really seem to be looking right back at me.
