Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Saint Martin

The back cover of my current sketchbook (#41), along the theme of Saint Martin leaving the city and encountering a beggar.


  1. It's great! I take my sketchbooks everywhere, and whatever I put on the covers always gets pretty scuffed up. Do you protect the painting in any way?

  2. this ink and paint style works so well, why don't you do any comics that way? not that I dislike your computer coloring, it's great too, but like this you end up having such gorgeous originals.

  3. Kurt: No, i don't have any protection on my sketchbooks, so they will get a bit smudgy. It's in the game. And if I get too annoyed i can restaur it a bit.
    Fufu: Actually, i barely paint anymore and these sketchbook covers are an excuse for not totally abandoning it. I can't see myself doing entire comics this way, just yet.
