I am the one who cobbled all of us together, so some of this may be redundant. However, I know some of you more than others.
- My last name is spelled PRZYBYLSKI. It is pronounced SHA-Bil-Ski, believe it or not. It's a common name among American Poles, specifically in the Milwuakee, where my parents grew up.
- I've been interested in comics and art for forever. I decided long ago that I'd dedicate myself to being a part of that world in some form. Though I do draw and make comics, I'm not sure that's what I'll end up doing- I am not as good at it as I should be ( or anyone should be if they want to be published in some form) . I have an interest in writing fiction, screenplays, criticism and all that.
As you can glean, the whole comics/art thing is a constant source of confusion for me. I tend to change directions mid-stream; One day I'll decide I should dedicate myself to a realistic, classic drawing style and the next I've vowed never to make a representational drawing again. I envy those who seem to have a "natural", or unquestioned direction in art and comics.
I've been published in ONE fanzine.
I've made my own zines twice now, but only made a few copies. Most have been destroyed.
-this is one my best drawings, in my opinion.
-I'm 28 and just last week discovered the first grey hair on my head.
-I've lived with the same girlfriend for 5 years now, mostly in Mineapolis/St. Paul, save a year in Chicago, where I came very close to attempting to burn the entire city down.
-I'm an unrepentant fan of METAL; Death Metal, Black Metal, Classic, thrash, etc.Have been since I was 12. My favorite Metal band of all time is The Mighty VOIVOD.
- I took a few college classes, but found the whole thing stifling. I have a deep-seated distrust for academics and whatever institution I've ever known.
-As such, I've worked a series of shitty jobs for my entire adult life. Mostly cooking in restaraunts. I spent some time in a great comics shop in MInneapolis and worked at the Art Institute of Chicago for a few months, where I decided Post-Modernism and the vast majority of Modern Art are complete scams and have nothing on pretty much everything pre-modern.
-Me hating modernism on paper..
- I used to tour with a friends' band. I was the 'merch' guy. It was fun, but I never have to go to another indie-rock show for the rest of my life.
-I'm interested in drawing phantastic material, but have very catholic tastes in what I read, watch and listen to.
-I'm a huge fan of Kenneth Smith. and spend a great deal of on-line time participating in his email-network.
- My favorite film is Mike Lieghs' NAKED. That and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.
-I'm a huge fan of Alex Jones and his Prison Planet sites. I'm planning on doing a series of posts that are related to what is called "conspiracy" subjects.
That's that.
Oh, and please, don't make me look like an ass by not doing something similar yourselves..
Hey, thanks for letting me know about the new weblog.
I really enjoyed reading this Luke, and now I can pronounce your last name when I'm talking to friends about your work! I can't think of any clever way to say this that doesn't sound creepy but your stuff rocks! I really like the 'mediaeval' feel your drawings seem to have.
you write it PRZYBYLSKI but it is pronounced SHA-Bil-Ski? while not write it Sucunvimbop and pronounce it as Aaaghddssfffflllgudcthulufghtahnndingdong? could i inquire what your ancestors were chewing when they got out of the boat?
Waiting for more of your writing and yeah, NAKED, that's one rare movie that i don't hate!
IT works out phoenticallly in the Polish tongue; The "PRZY"
is supposed to make a "zha" sound , like "Sh", but with a soft "z" in there.
'Medeival" is a good thing- thanks Zeke.
Interro- I sent you an email about joining this thing, fer chrissakes.
You did? Was that like six months ago or something?
Those two lower album covers are fucking weird.
yeah, the drummer Away did all of the artwork for the band.The whole band was based on a concept that he created, clearly influenced by early RPG games and European comics- the VOIVOD is a character that's trapped in a future where he has to navigate between warring technocratic factions. I think he's some kind of messiah fiugure, if I remember correctly. It's awesome stuff musically- they were super innovative.
Something really bizarre just happened. I was looking at where the hits to the skeletoncave were coming from, one came from a thread talking about my art at a Voivod fan messageboard. Apparently everyone there thinks my art looks like the guy who did those album covers. Heh
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