Hello, Ducks! Been working on a pretty big project for me- maybe not in scope, but in quantity of work needed. It's a wrestling card game involving creatures from the Lovecraft mythos, oddly enough. It's fun working on, but I need to do 120 card illustrations (less than halfway done with that) in addition to cover art and card design, which I've already completed. The first two decks are for Cthulhu and Hastur. I don't know much about these types of card games, but I gather that each player gets one deck and then they challenge each other card to card. Anyway, here are some of the illustrations, which are intended to be comical.
"Organ Donation." I think they actually expected more comic book-like artwork, so I kind of overdid it style-wise. I'm allowed to use pretty simple backgrounds, though. I'm not sure that the gutted creature in the background reads so well, but I guess it's okay if people notice that only upon closer inspection.
"Nuke to the Ass." There's a lot of butt-related humor involved in these cards.
"Glomp Stomp." For some drawings that involved cities, I used cities from all over the world, to show that Cthulhu was an equal opportunity demolisher. I'm still not good at making monsters look huge, so I need to work on that. Just desaturating the color and making them look faded (in this case, more blue) in the distance doesn't seem to do the trick, but it will have to do for now.
Oh! And Fufu- I heard that my brother, Paul, got to meet you at the Cthulhu thing in Portland! That's great!