Sunday, September 30, 2012

No you cunt

New collective zine is finally out !!
thema was Sexy Sushi, but well, it became something new else...
X colors, X copies, X artists
hand and sweatsilkscreened
32 pages

artists: Zigendemonic, Jürg, CrippaXXX, The Horror,Matt Crab, El Robignol, Antoine Duthoit, Ammo, Dieter VDO, Emoragy, Dav Guedin, Noémie Barsolle, Ian Liddle, Ricaletto, Siscalocca, SebH, Amandine Meyer, Ardéco, anef.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Told You So

Working on a silkscreen print for Portugese publisher Chili Com Carne. In five colours. This is a test of how it should look like when it's all done, so that is why the colours look flat. An anonymous medieval master provided the inspiration. Once again.

Friday, September 28, 2012

LabyFari, Radebeul Weinfest 2012

During The Weinfest of Radebeul (DE), from 21 to 23 september 2012
I join the Team Of Richard von Gigantikow (Lügenmuseum)
We took one week to build a hudge Labyrinth, wich was open to the public during the hole festival.
For the "Grande Finale" show we burned it all, orchestra was playing and dancers were dancing.
Beautifull experience next to the Elbshore.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Illustration and Anthology

Here's the latest piece for the Tom Bradley book I'm illustrating:

You've probably figured out by now that it has something to do with old Uncle Aleister, but Tom wants me to keep mum and not let too many cats out of the bag until it's published.

Here are some preliminary drawings from this and the other two illustrations:

Also, my work is featured prominently in a new anthology from Cypi Press entitled "Dark Stories By
Dark Artists" along with such artists as Tara McPherson, Charlie Immer, Heiko Mueller, Scott
Radke, KateMacDowell, Kris Kuksi and many others. You can purchase it from Amazon if you are so inckined.  If it's out of stock, you can also order it from Amazon UK.

Monday, September 24, 2012

DREAMS (comics series)

Dreams - comics series by Shaltmira. Based on true stories (considering how TRUE the dreams can be).
Will be continued. 

Cannibal Conjurer

Testing a new lino cut... I flopped the art to see how the endresult should be here. The high part I marked with a uh, marker because I am without ink and a press at the moment. A scan will do for now. The composition was inspired by Bosch's Conjurer and the meaning of the term autopsy: "to see oneself". This is the finished piece, ready for print:

Sunday, September 23, 2012



Deuxième page

Second page for Dérive urbaine 5 (a zine inspired by a situationist practice : while wandering in the city take opportunities to transform you behavior, look at it with new angles, etc).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wormworld 4

A new one made with pen on white paper
I'll probably touch it again a bit

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Me: An Introduction

The picture attached at the beginning of this post is only significative of one fact, that the bookshelf belongs to me. I recently arranged most of my books alphabetically and accordning to genre. This hasn't happened in my life in a long time, if ever before. Mainly, the reasons are of course because that I, like anyone else, have moved to new locations, live with someone, and have had to stow away books, and that I now needed to get them out of the basement because it filled with water. I also have left my studio where I stored most of my art-books.

Anyway, the bookshelf is supposed to introduce you to my person. I love literature and art, and books, or, I like being surrounded by books. The picture of the shelf is only representative in a certain aspect, since it doesn’t show all -I read a lot as well, fiction as well as fact.

Collecting, when it comes to text-based books, is mostly inadvertent for me. I have no intention of buying first editions of this or that book. Still, I love books that are great to look at, as well as read.
This does not really form the basis of my philosophy when it comes to life, but may well be grounds for my view on the arts. Movies are subject to the same kind of interest and scrutiny. There should be motive, depth, vision, an underlying aesthetic.

Well, what's the deal, really? Nuthin', I just had to stick something in here to make it more interesting. This is a sketch for a comic I'll never get around to make, but I wish I did though.
What´s gonna happen? Well, the guy goes off to get some dope, and something goes wrong. This is me -not the character, but me, the person with many ideas that may never come to fruition.

I was asked to contribute to this blog, one reason being that some of my fellow writers here supposedly are fans. I am really most grateful. I'm also a fan, no doubt about it. Like all of you, we nowadays can flood our eyes with great art through the screens of our computers, and the internet has been accessory for me to many new discoveries of an interesting and overwhelming kind.

I think the solely most interesting artist for me in many ways in latter years whose work I've encountered -on the internet by the way- is Aleksandra Walizsewska.
I don't know much about her person, and I'm not sure what other people and the artworld knows about her, all I know is that I declare her art to be truly great. It is of a kind very different than most, elevated and profound. It transcends the usual art that I come across, whether it be our lovely company of graphics-surrealist-mania or any ”high-brow”-equivalent. Walizsewska is high-brow, to me, in the best of senses, but how we categorize art is less important.

Above: painting by A. Walizsewska

In an interview performed here at this blog, Walizsewska states that she’s “bored to death by 99% of so-called contemporary art. Old painting is still very vital for me, it makes me really emotional while approaching it”.
It's a quote that naturally tells me alot about her art, but also about her. She is apparently influenced by Renaissance art, and I can certainly relate to this. Also, the fact that she's bored with contemporary art is just great to read, simply because I think her own work is evidence that her sentiments are universally true. Her work is contained within the 1% that isn't boring, to me and the intelligent minds that have encountered it.

So, I was supposed to introduce myself. Well, this is my sort of introduction, and the part of me that is Marcus the artist and art-appreciator. I've been recognized by my peers, I think, to some extent, and that is enough. I think for me a couple of achievements are to have been published by Le Dernier Cri, one of the greatest and most interesting artist-book studios around.  I'm currently taking part in an exhibition curated by the great Stéphane Blanquet/United Dead Artists and Artsfactory in Paris, which opened in September 2012, showing works by many great colleagues of mine.

 My hobbies lie in the field of reading and writing. I am currently trying to learn French, which is difficult, but I wish to decipher all of Serge Gainsbourg's songs, as well as being able to talk, read and some day write like French people do.

That's all, folks!!

I have promised to make a book for Le Dernier Cri, also, a small book for Re:Surgo (formerly BonGout, that have published me before) and I am currently waiting for a short graphic-novel (about 60-pages) of mine to be issued by an undisclosed Swedish company. I have recently opened an art-gallery showcasing some good friends and aquaintances, and paradoxically, I've never before felt so disinterested in making pictures as of today.

That's a very short resumé. I'm not sure what the future holds for me with respect to the arts, all I know is that I'm glad to be part of it all.