Thursday, April 30, 2015


One from me and Gaspard

Three by Gaspard, Eric and myself

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Printing linoleum

I took some delay on printing linoleum plates for some months, so I spent 2-3 days printing these... I was in use to not print all, like for a 10 copies prints i did some and wait for selling to make more... Bad habit! So now everything is fixed! This also means there's no "10 copies" but a bit less (between 6 & 8). The other one step to follow rules is to make a certificate to get tax reduction, but I can't certificate my own activity as an artist, so what's the matter ? ;)
All these printed on Fabriano Rosaspina (except one on Ingres d'Arches) with etching ink, properly signed & numbered

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Work in progress end of April

 Posting these and owning a lightbox has taken the edge off a bit. Now if only I could force myself to draw more. Part of the way this is inked is to make the more important bits easier to see in the lightbox, but not every inked part will be in the next version.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Local news

Working on a record sleeve. The lettering takes a lot of digital fiddling about before it starts to look right. I can have it done in full colour, but i think it's best to keep that on the minimal side as to avoid ruining the graphic approach it has sofar.

This is for a local music festival that takes place in my neighbourhood, always in the month of June; the organiser is a good friend. After several editions it's time for a collection of recordings!

Friday, April 17, 2015

UNWELT cover

So here's the final cover design for the comic I mentioned in the previous post.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Here are inks of the cover and the interior cover for UNWELT, a little book which I'm putting together: a collection of Lovecraft-related work of mine. The CthulhuCon Portland is coming up, soon, and with a little luck I should have some ready in time for Linework

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Unleashed the... uh... that think

Yet another and probably last fantasy stuff for some time, I'm a bit bored of that so i'll make something different now!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Thursday, April 02, 2015

recent painting

Here's a painting that I just finished.