A while back i revisited the post-apocalyptic folk Punk world i created when i was in my late teens (1994-1997) in a couple of square zines; Binocular Rebellious & The Goblin which were released in 2003.
I have this series of Trolls i occasionally work on, i'm supposed to put together a book's worth of material for Wonderella to publish, but i have a hard time with it.
Oh man you gotta do that Troll book, damn. Those Brian Froud books of fairies sell like hot cakes at the book stores so something like this would no doubt sell ike hot muffins or hot blueberry pie cakes. This is one of the coolest goddamn Trolls I've ever seen.
Did you ever see those jack the giant killer pics I posted on Monster Brains awhile back? If not you should type that into the search bar, could give you some ideas.
I used to know that every monster was better with more heads, more arms more everything, I should keep it in mind.
Dont worry, I will buy a Camel album.
And Sean... what did you mean about those times you said you were young and waiting for the world to end? Did everyone think the world was going to end?
Thanks Aeron, & yeah, the sale-ability of those books should be a motivator, but what's getting to me is that i think that the book will actually do quite well & i'm not feeling like i'm 100% on my Troll game & that's what i'm waiting for. As soon as i hit that level, i'm just gonna knock the mothersucker out, but i really have to feel it you know? I don't remember the Jack the Giant Killer pictures, so i'll go check those out too.
Robert, yes, more heads, definitely. Camel, check. & the kind of "world ending scenario" i was obsessed with is not unlike the one being used to sell people on carbon emissions taxes now, although i never thought that it was avoidable or undesirable, to tell the truth, i still don't think it is avoidable or undesirable! Magnetic polar shift, rising oceans, collapse of the economic system, bring it on!
oh man, those old zines look so archaic & ferocious, the troll clusterfuck is priceless too
Yeah, I can't get over the zine cover- it's awesome.
Fantastic drawings but prog sucks!!!! blech!
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