I said I was going to update in here soon and then kind of didn't. That tends to happen a lot with emails,updates, and ect.

Well this was scanned in halves but it's clumsily pieced together here for your viewing pleasure.
This drawing is part of a series I am working on now and then. It takes place on our earth I suppose but 50 or 80 years in the future. The main theme revolves around humorous and forlorn destitute aliens/hybrids who are mostly homeless and separated from true humanity. There is not political message or deep concept here, just a kind of dismal look into a sci-fi tinged future full of unemployed experiments/star travellers. I read a lot of science fiction and am pretty poor. I don't intend to make a comic or a in depth universe or setting with these themed pictures, I think I just want to have stacks of them over time. There are all kinds of weird characters I can make and I have all sorts of daily situations in mind which they can be taking place in. Hopefully becoming like old issues of Heavy Metal combined with Pieter Bruegel....or a vague attempt at it.

Here is another.
ps.I haven't figured out the correct way to set up this pictures/text business correctly yet.
These are great. Yeah, I think just showing it is the best way to approach it. I think if you tried to really write it out or make it a comic it could get mired in details that subtract from the theme/scenario, which is interesting enough on it's own. I could see doing some kind of Trenton Doyle Hancock type thing where you actually build the world, or draw from a comprehenive understanding of how that world works, but yeah, I think to do more might be detrimental.
Excellent series, I really dig the scene with the two little guys dragging the head. You could always pile these together later on when you have a few dozen or more and put them out as a zine or book called "Scenes From The Year 2058" or whatever. You might come up with a short list of specific events that would be fun to draw and something that would happen in this fantasy world. Maybe a drawing showing a street fight between a gang of mutant alien thugs against human robots? Or a drawing showing off the public transport system, I could see you doing some sort of Rory Hayes ish underground tunnel scene with a hover train with weird bits of futuristic trash and homeless aliens laying about.
Looking forward to seeing more.
these are really nice. I love the density of the image and the layers of information to digest. Very nice. I would love to look at a book or show of things like these.
btw, do you have a website or anything?
Cool stuff, I really like the 2D bits and there's a nice 'creamy' feel to the colours.
Thanks you everyone. My website is a bit outdated:
My flickr often has a lot of updated stuff on it:
Just very very good, you`ve been very inspiring to me lately.
I'm dying off the homeless derelict space traveller idea. It's all early Star Wars with the aggressive merchant Jawas, the aggressive traveller sand people, the scum of Mos Eisley & the bounty hunters, smugglers & drunks with Nazi Storm Troopers kicking heads in. Also, mystical alchemists mucking about in large scale psychic wars.
These are *fantastic*
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