-Probably the only really cool thing about drawing so much over the years is that- even though you haven't "done" anything with the drawings- you get to stumble upon them a few years later, having forgotten you ever created them and remember exactly where you were, what you were doing and thinking at the time you drew them.
In other news, I feel pretty cool:
I have an "inky world"..
Awesome strip! Should cut self in half, mail one half to other location so you can be both places at the same time. Glad to see Meathaus picked up on the ink insanity!
I can relate to that feeling.
Good strip, I really like your drawing style.
yeah I know that feeling about moving. it`s kind of hard to believe you will never be in that old space again and yet it also feels a million years ago after just a day.
And i also get that desire to sit in empty boxes, don`t we all?
i got it wrong the first time i read your post, you mention remembering exactly your state of mind when you drew a piece, and then i thought that you felt pretty cool when you drew that strip, which makes sense! it's a pretty cool strip.
And both the "Balloon Head" and the "Lightbulb" character on the fourth panel are keepers, you could illustrate a LOT of polemics this way pal...
Love the "footnotes" ironically illustrated by your fingertips in panel 2
Thanks everybody. I haven't drawn strips like this for a long time, but you guys got me thinking I should do some more like it every now and again.
I drew this days after moving back to St. Paul MN from Chicago, feeling pretty dislocated. It was one of those moves where you've done it so much by that point that it's no longer an exciting thing; new apartment, new job, etc.
David- I feel cool because of the Meathaus post.
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