Got me a new blog for monster art and info. I am going to teach a monster class at my school as an after school program nad Mr. Mostyn is what all the kids call me so the name stuck. Much thanks to Sean for inspiration. I am also drawing strips again (haven't done in a while). Here is a new one. I am also making a Monsterama zine as well.
haha love the strips
Yeh fight!!!!
First, try to post a better link to your blog, ideally, the Monsterama logo should take you there, it took me a while to get to the site
Second, you're awesome, after studying how to make a monster, these kids should never think of scholastics as something drab and boring!
thanks everyone. Paleo, sorry about link. not sure exactly how to do that but I will check it out. I dislike how much of what we teach forces kids to work in ways that may not be meaningful to them (such as painting in the manner of Van Gogh as some teachers do. I do not). I believe we should let the kids demonstrate the skills we want them to have through projects that express their own personalities.
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