This is the puzzle that you can assemble from the correct 9 Monsters, Weirdos & Creeps cards. I think i've drawn about 10 different pictures where things take the form of a nuclear mushroom cloud.
If YOU'D like some packs of these for yourself, they are 1.50 ppd for a waxpack of 7. You can paypal gogoblinko at gmail dot com. 27 cards total. Monsters, Weirdos & Creeps on one side, comics, heroic profiles, cultural signifiers, this grotesque puzzle image & more on the other side.
Aw yeah, really great image. Buncha goddang hooligans partying like it's some kind of bonfire, nuclear bonfire with hotdogs and winged eyeballs for everyone!
that is great! I will order a bunch. Can I et the entire set?
awesome! that cloud of eyes has an hypnotic effect on me...
Aeron, yeah, it was funny, i really got into the idea of these guys hanging around this thing all night partying. Mostyn, you gotta buy the cards in packs, it's a randomizer. But buy them! Fufu, thanks, the eyes are even more hypnotic while drawing them. It was kind of insane, i was drawing late at night, very tired & half falling asleep into them. Kind of scary actually.
Man, when winter's a coming, a little mutating is a fair price for warming your hands.
Just don't look at the Eyeballs.
Heyyyy! I got my cardpacks yesterday. Thanks Sean! These are very very cool! And there really is a bunch of material crammed into a pack of these...including the backs and the wrapper. I used to get Ugly Stickers as a little kid, Wacky pckages a bit later, and Garbage Pail Kids when I was a big kid. So's I'm a big waxpack guy. Sean really captured that sense of well as the frustration in getting the same cards again & again.! :) But that was always part of the deal with waxpacks. So if any of you guys buy some of these I'm up for trading my doubles.
Bloody great!
fxxkin' awesome!
MAXimum R'n'R,
posted this on my tumblr
Let me now if you want me to remove it.
Love your art, btw.
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