"Roden also loved music and formed the Thru Black Holes Band, releasing 24 indie collections from 1989 through 2004. Aural-Innovations hosts the Band's official website, where you can download all of the Band's music in mp3 format.
In early 2007, Roden was diagnosed with colon cancer. He passed away on June 14, 2007 at age 55, leaving behind medical expenses that are still remain to be paid. Several benefit sales have been set up to contribute to closing out his outstanding debts. Small press publisher Dan W. Taylor and mini-comic dealer Rick Bradford have generously set up benefit sales areas within their online stores. 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Roden Benefit Fund."
You can buy some of his minis at the venerable Poopsheet Store, and I recommend downloading a few songs. It's like your weird Uncles' basement dream band.
Some of my favorite song titles:
-Galaxy of Ghouls
- The Reaper's Dream
-Attack of the Stone Giants
-The Mile High Serpent
-Smoking Glass Wreckage of the Alien Octopus Face
-I am the Alien Octopus Face
-Alien Home Life
-Nightmare City
-The Glowing Red Egg
-Children of the Dead Moon
-The National Boat
-The Skull House
-The Travels of the Golden Skeleton
Interesting stuff, Luke.
His far too early death's a damn pity, that's what it is!
that is pretty amazing, mostyn
Hey, thank you for helping to spread Mike's special brand of craziness. He left us too early indeed and he's greatly missed by his friends and fans.
I also wanted to mention that 100% of the proceeds from all items in the Michael Roden Benefit category (in the Poopsheet Shop) go directly to Mike's family.
Thanks for highlighting Mike's work. Jim Main put together a limited edition portfolio to help out his Mike's wife. All the artwork is by many of Mike's newave friends.
You can buy it here:
and preview it here:
Yeah, the portfolio!
Also, anybody interested Mike's work should definitely check out Dale Lee Coovert's Michael Roden Catalog, a comprehensive checklist with descriptions, background info, etc.
This is some cool-ass shit. This is the stuff that i got into zines for in the 80s. Thanks for expozing me to this cool crap Luke.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing, Uland!
Thanks for putting me on to the music, didn't know there was a band and have been working my way through the albums, it's a real joy.
I have some of the zines that I got from Rick and they're exquisite, the linework's so delicate and intricate!
Also being a zine/comix artist from the same era,(Oddities) I traded with Michael, and treasure his works. I have a really nice portfolio of his drawings, which he published too.
Recently I had been wondering what became of him, so I am grateful for your spotlight on him.
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