Hi everyone. I'm sorry I havent been around but I have been watching and loving everyone's work. Here are a couple of new pics for my new "Mr. Mostyn's Monsterama" zine. Out in the Spring I hope. All monsters, art, comics, trivia and so on. Just got done with a local show and now, I can have some time to post a little more. Hope you enjoy
Those are cool. I like the slickitude of them.
I like the bottom one a lot
Cool ass shit dude. Good work! I'm digging it & can't wait to see the finished product. Now, comment & post on here more often.
I love that monster design with the extra long arm and diamond on its head. Looks like the weakness of some boss fight in a videogame.
- aeron
Thanks guys. Uland, slickitude? hmm. Aeron, really interesting. I hadn't even thought of that. It does seem like that. I was thinking of the object of the creatures powers but that is often the weakness in bosses. Cool thought. How about a mention of mostynsmonsterama.wordpress.com on your awesome monster blog? Thanks again.
Supercool stuff, Chris! I always like your ostentatiously "wrong" muscles and arms that look like they bend in all sorts of weid places.
What do you mean "wrong?" My anatomy is perfect I'have you know. Why you could do surgery based on my intricate drawings. Thanks, I always hated trying to get it "right" when I was a kid. My buddy used to just draw an approximation and did much better work. I am more concerned with getting an arm from one point to another.
It just looks sort of slick to me, in a good way. Like well proportioned and cleanly rendered in a juicy inky way.
Yeah, they're cute, but untamable!
Great drawings.
Proper good stuff
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