Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The march of progress

A comment on man's technobedazzlement of today and an obvious nod to Bosch's Haywain.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Freebies! Here's a two-page tribute to the classic weird fiction story 'The Inner Room' by Robert Aickman. It's also on my blog, which no-one reads.
& there's more: over at http://www.plastiekenplunk.be/item/salome/ you can read my Salomé with the double page spreads inexplicably cut in half. If you liked it, leave a vote, so i win the prize & can feed my kids. 
Gift, of course, means poison in German.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Working on several linocuts in Ljubljana, Slovenia, of a rope-skipping centauroid, and other creatures.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

boat and fish

last one, improvised on paper with ferric ink, except for the boat. Sometimes i feel like i need to think drawing first, then i fail and succeed in the other way (impro), so maybe my style is this sort of things. Also thinking how to better scan these, i think i miss some good points by looking for black/white instead of grey levels