dildo faced mask hook guy overcome by the reasons

assorted rioters

dream party

sampler tape cover for Arcane Pariah Records

portrait of brion gysin
These are most of the finished things I've done in the last couple of months that aren't completely abstract. I'm not particularly happy with any of it really, but not always sure why- so I'd like to invite some criticism- if you don't like this stuff or think it's weak in any way I'd appreciate it if you'd take a minute to share your thoughts/feelings- the harsher the better. Enjoying the recent contributions to the blog, cheers, T.
I think the Arcane Pariah one needed a bit more definition and sculpting.
The portrait background could have been better but since I never use digital drawing I've never been able to say quite what is wrong. I'm often puzzled by my dissatisfaction with digital techniques.
Perhaps the overall shapes of the colours aren't tightly composed enough and maybe the colours are too light?
I think the first 3 images look fine (I notice the Monster In My Pocket Closet Monster there).
Thanks Robert- some good points there.
Digital art is a bit of a problem and probably something for me to stay away from.
I think the promise of the computer is that you should be able to achieve some new and interesting visual prizes by mixing up the effects, but I think in actuality the further away the image gets from the initial creative impulse the colder it appears- In this way its just fancy, risk free colouring in. Maybe that has something to do with the puzzling dissatisfaction.
I didn't know that Monster's name! I always thought of it as a kind of painting monster- with his head busted through a picture frame.
The rioters page and the Gysin portrait are leagues over the rest of the stuff, i love those two pages,judging by this post, it seems like a very specific idea heightens your design chops.
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