Sorry for not posting! I did nothing special for months, except this little drawing... I'm invited on a big event in august, a metalmusic festival, so I am supposed to work onto that (as this one). But I got submerged by other projects : workshops, bookfair, exhibitions here in our place or somewhere else, books to be done!I really feel that I need time for myself but this won't happen for a long time as far as i can see...
Well, stop complain! I did something really great, which my very first work for a vinyl release! So proud of this! I made it for wellknown Le Petit Mignon Berlin based label owned by Staalplaat boss (Crippa & Zeke know about that!). Music is one side "H" from ZamZamRecords London, ambient waves, and other side duo Hedoromeruhen (Government Alpha + Ichiba Daisuke!), kind of perverted folk song. I took model onto Possessed "Beyond the gates" cover with its nice fold out system : you got one drawing and by opening you got the same drawing, and so on til you've got a full 35x50cm drawing!
The upper half looks a bit porn-y, or is it just me? =-0
really?? by negative, empty space, maybe... ? wasn't on purpose!
You know what Freud would have said about that.
I really got it now ahah, funny! i was probably too much in my subject, actually metalheads ^^
Impressive vinyl release but the demon in the B&W drawing is a crushed inkwell of evil.
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