Hello-o! Monsters! If you hear me, please come out! It's boring without you!
Anyway, here's a work-in-progress jam comic which Crippa is currently doing with me and several other drawers (around eight or so I believe, Zeke to name but one). Each story starts with the same panel (drawn by Crippa). From then on it goes back and forth between him and every respective artist, so naturally each develops quite differently (at least from what I've seen). Our jam has reached panel 6 now.

Looks like a really fun collaboration with some truly bizarre results. Kind of a weird hybrid between underground and vintage pulp wartime hero comics. Mickey Mouse Hitler jack in the box with penis hands? You motherfuckers are insane!! I love it!
I've been busy working on things I can't really show right now but I'll be posting some good stuff soon, working on a lot of paintings that I can share whenever I feel like it.
Thanx Aeron. Hey, no need for justification; I certainly wasn't addressing you. You're probably the person who posts most on this blog.
Yea... I'm sure it will be a good book.
Hilarious. I'll probably have to put this on The Daily Hitler. Crippa & Zeke should post on this damn blog!
I made my first picture more than three months ago. But we haven't got much time to go on. I think it will take time...
Crippa met up last week and we agreed on me posting these. The project as a whole must have dozens of finished panels at this point. I haven't seen most of them though. Looking forward to see yours Gaspard. What are you up to anyway?
Still making comics and organising things for zines. I'll travel soon and I may go to Amsterdam for Marc, Crippa and Zeke's show. Adrien (cotoreich) opened a gallery in Grenoble so I guess there will be some fun.
hell-o fellow duckers!
1st a thank you FuFu for putting up those 6 panels...'n then secondly thanx a lot to you all for the positive feedback on these panels.
Fuck yeah,this is the greatest jam comic i've ever seen outside of Zap
Praise from the Paleo is like whipped cream with stawberries on my ego.
yep!, for me aswell. but i'd rather say it's like a tunafish salad without dolphins in, but instead black olives!
i think you do really great stuff paleo!
Thank guys! though i rather describe my sumptuous praise as a half alive, half rotten sardine on wet bread
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