Funny thing happened today, I was practicing body art on my leg when my friend called and said "Do you know, that your photo is in newspaper?" I said NO and, of course, I felt confused. What happened... I'll tell you. 2008, in the best Lithuanian Gothic festival "Kunigunda Lunaria", one photographer asked me, if she could take my photo, because I looked interesting. I agreed. As you can see in the photos below, I had my hair shaved and some body art on my head, which is actually made with eyes pencils. What I saw today, that the same photo is used in another newspaper, by the same office, where the headline is : "TATTOOS COULD SHUT THE DOOR IN FRONT OF YOUR NOSE FOR YOUR CAREER AND INVITE THE DISASTER". It is strange knowing that in 2008 the same publisher commented about my photo: "People would like to see this kind of beauty more often, not just in special occasions". It's just funny stuff, strange that I'm involved in this at all. :]
[2008 July, journal "VERSLO KLASĖ"] |
[2011 May, newspaper "My Family"] |
[photo made by myself, how I looked in 2008, before going to "Kunigunda Lunaria"]
In the future I think to become a tattoo artist :]
Yea, this newspaper thing is funny... and quite unfair actually.
What bands were playing that year?
I like the designs and you always look really cool, but is it always worth it? How long do you take to get dressed up like that? I'm just so lazy I can never be bothered to dress nicely, I often feel it would always come with some amount of discomfort and paranoid concern about how people seen me.
Usually facial tattoos don't work, but an actual facial piece resembling the one in your picture definitely would, for whatever reason, perhaps the curvature of the design and its softness of color mingles with its neighboring facial features much better than, say, the tattoo that Mike Tyson has on his face. The hair would have to be similar to the way yours looked as well I think.
Also really like the one on your leg. The mixture of B&W linework in the periphery with sudden and stark color leaping out from the middle is interesting. Very cool design as well.
I've drawn a few tattoos for people in the past, alas, I have none on myself though. People often say that I am wasting my time languishing in a factory and that I should become a tattoo artist. While I agree with the first part, my problem with the latter is that in America tattoos have the opposite effect. Tattooing in most cases will not close doors in employment opportunity, often its not even necessary to cover them with long sleeves. Its a damn trend over here, the art of it has been done away with in favor of soulless bourgeois taste. Few tattooists over here have the leverage or prestige or talent to be able to put their foot down and decide for themselves what manner of clients and projects they wish to pursue, and so most of them end up languishing in a sea of air-headed clients who want nothing but barbed-wire bicep collars, flaming dice, and hearts that say 'Mom.'
I'll suffer in a factory and keep 'some' measure of liberty. Nevertheless, this is good for you, well, the magazine part of it at least. Was your name mentioned? Perhaps it will actually open doorways for your artistic endeavors rather than close them as they say.
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