First two of five drawings i'm contributing to the Maison d'Ailleurs Lovecraft show, the quote all drawings illustrate ( in a loose sequence ) is #42:" Fear of mirrors-memory of dream in which scene is altered and climax is hideous surprise at seeing oneself in the water or a mirror. (Identity?) [Outsider?]"
Thanks to Aeron for tipping me up to it in the first place.
Whoa!! Damn David, these are awesome!
Another reason why I want to go to Switzerland to see the originals!
Excellent work as always, David. Your grotesque cartoon style shines through prefectly in these. And I'm glad to see that Fufu and you are contributing to this exhibit. Fufu, if you go ya gotta take pics. And if you see H.R Giger or Guillermo Del Toro give them a high five for me! hah.
Amazing stuff.
I love the odd mixture of really raw, semi-abstraction with ultra-detailed elements.
Thanks pals!
And forget high fives Fufu, should you cross paths with Giger give him a exquisitely squishy pinch on his plump pompis, tell him that is from Paleo with Love.
Holy mackerel! These are really disturbing. The fragmentation is wonderfully done... i'm having a hard time understanding it, which is a good thing! MAkes it more scary.
I wonder what Lovecraft would think of these. That he has been featured in along with his monsters is unlike most other writers.
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