I've kept shopping lists on paper since I was about 13 and I really dont understand how any fan of books, comics, music, games and films can do without them, there is just so much great stuff I never would have remembered if I didnt keep lists. Earlier we have had photos of our workspaces, our collections of stuff, but I'd like to see your shopping lists.
I recently added a huge amount to my lists, I read several books about books over the winter and I'm going to talk about them sometime. I dont think I'm being too freaky for scanning these lists and saving them to emails and websites because I taken a very long time to accumulate all this info and I always hear stories of people losing their possessions in fires and floods, so I feel I'm being sane about it. If it didnt matter to me, I probably wouldnt be interested in all this stuff anyway.
The lists might be a page shorter if I didnt have the habit of writing some things twice because I couldnt remember if I'd noted them before...
Sorry, Robert, I for one can't think of an instance where I did a shopping list for anything else than groceries.
It's intriguing to see that you keep such a detailed assortment of lists for your various interests. You might consider organizing it into a text file online so you have an easier time tracking down torrents, etc that relate to the albums, books, so on.
I used to keep a list of books that I wanted to buy from Amazon about 8 years ago but haven't made any since.
Also Robert, I seem to remember you knew the name of an author for a short story involving people on a train where some sort of black eel creatures control them by attaching themselves to their brain? It was a short story I'd read a long time ago and for some reason, always stick out in my mind. I cannot think of the name of that author, do you know who I'm writing about? I need to tattoo their name to my arm because as soon as I learn it I seem to forget it again!
I'm sorry, I dont remember anything like that.
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