Here's text and photos by my real good friend and amazing artist crippaXXXalmqvist....
Pics from the Renate comic bibliothek(=library) exhibition in Neurotitan Gallery in Haus Schwarzenberg on Rosenthalerstrasse 39, Berlin-Mitte. The exhib lasted between the 17th of October 'til the 8th of November. For more info 'bout this shop/gallery, surf here:
The large black/white pics on the red/silver star cloth is drawings from me, Zeke S. Clough and Marc van Elburgs "x-Grumzoole/now-Dominatrix"-project, that didn't fit in on the walls of our Le Petit Mignon-exhib in Staalplaat Store a week before. The 3 BIG comic-pages are the first ones we got finished off last year that has more of a "comic" feel to it, than our otherwise typical shitty trash "art".
The li'l black/white xeroxes etc. on the black deathskull cloth is a collection of stuff i've done the last couple of years. Some I've drawn alone, but there's also other collaborations with Zven "Smittekilde" Balslev and Lili Konishchev for Zeke's "Voida Voida"-book. Plus other comix I've done together with Oska "Wald" Hassler for his zine "Kriminella Gittarrer" and Andreas Michalkes "Mono Vision".
Those five different comic strips that all start with the same picture, is a li'l project i've started this last July with Jacques "La Commissure" Mouton. After some weeks I decided to send that first pic to some other people i know, just to see how it could turn into complete different directions. The 5 people are from top down:
Fyffe Liegnell (SWE)
Zeke S. Clough (UK)
Jacques Mouton (FRA)
Markus Lesmeister (GER)
Zven Balslev (DK)
Those 2 coloured drawings & 1 comic is done by me in 1979. I was then 11 years old(young).
And the 2 mutated dolls hangin' from the ceiling, is both "work in process". They probably never will really be finished off.
And then last, but NOT least...that framed painting of a tree is one of my first collaborations. I did the pencils, 'n then my mom coloured it with water colour. This was in 1983. It's also my mom you see in the wheelchair on the photo. She passed on to the other side on the 12th of July last year. I dedicated my bit of the Renate exhib to her.
cool stuff, great art, love the presentation. i hate galleries & art exhibits in general & would prefer to show my work in a sewer or in the backs of comic books, but this somehow works out alright. what kind of crowds come see this stuff? Crippa, wanna join the Eaten By Ducks gang?
man the babe stuff is so boss
a BIG thanx a lot goes out to you both for the positive feedback!
'n mr.sean, to y'r question if i wanna join the EBD-gang...my answer is a 100% "yezzz"!
i already spoke with both zeke'n'FuFu a li'l bit 'bout this, 'n i feel much honoured to be a part of it. this since i think there's some really fxxkin' great artists who post on this blog!
but the thing is i'm a complete sucker when it comes to computer stuff. i've got NO idea on how to post pics here or whatever. hopefully i'll get some help from zeke on doin' this. or maybe i'll even disturb FuFu again in his li'l "family paradise".
to y'r other question on what kinda crowds came to see this exhib...well, so much i can say that it was everything from real small kids to old grannies to hardcore punx.
It's great stuff man. Zeke will have to jump you in to the gang, you have to drink a bottle of india ink, get the tattoo & then let him beat you senseless with a decapitated goat's head. I particularly like the "Punk Blanket" black & white one there, reminds me of when all of my clothes were falling apart & patched back together & me & a friend devised this great idea of turning old pants into Punk Rot quilts. Nowadays i own more than one pair of pants, i have two or three maybe.
Join us cripaXXXX
that's one hell of a show, i especially like how the dolls look in front of the big B & W pages.
And welcome to EBD Crippa!
thanx a lot you both...'n i presume i've actually joined EBD, even if i'm not logged in right now.
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