When I see u I love u, when I teach u I love u, when I play basketball against u I love u. No I love u! If u were an overgrown lizard I'd still love u. I love u. Will u love me back? I know we have our age differences but I'm sure we could work that out. You're the thing I think about most besides chocolate. I wish I could have told u this at school but it was too private. I know we can work it out if I get a decent job and u skip college. When I see u, a little light inside me sparks up. Your gayness turns me on. I know it might be weird seeing us two walking down the street but if I can handle my feelings for u I can handle eggs being thrown at us everyday. When we live together we could share our thoughts and own a sweet little kitten. I thought we might be able to have a parrot but I've had troubles with parrots. I once had a parrot and it shouted gay at me at my 16th birthday party, I never had any friends after that. That dumb parrot. Remember I Love U. You're secret admirer
Mr. Driscoll
P.S I know u wear makeup
aaaaa haha ha hahahahahah troubles with parrots ha haha
Hah hah, thanks for this, laugh out loud funny, love the bit where the parrot shouts 'gay' at him, ha!!!
The post-scriptum amuses me. I tell you what Aeron, if you happen to know someone with necromancy gifts just ask him for Oscar Wild’s love declarations and his discourses about adolescent beauty. I’m sure they are among the most exquisite that ever took place…
tragic and amazing treasure.
I`m not sure to laugh at this.
It is almost as if some naughty chap was dropping these off around the city randomly.
I once found a letter on a bus from the head of Royal Mail to the leader of it`s Union during the peak of a postal strike crisis.
I have visions of this misfit going on a school tour to the Zoo and having EVERY animal scream Faaaaaaaaaaaaggg!!! to him.
You NEED to send this to Found Magazine. http://www.foundmagazine.com
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