Also, you've got to read this awesome criticism of my artwork..
" any woman you bring home will immediately be creeped out and leave after seeing any of them. You couldn’t pay me 10 times what they cost to even have them sitting in a tube at my home, let alone up on my wall. My wife would divorce me as soon as she looked in the poster tube.
On a more positive thought, these are great for any serial killers on your holiday wish list. I can’t even imagine how horrible the artist’s childhood must have been. It’s been a pretty slow week for releases, but come on. I have to delete my browser history so my kids don’t see this and doing so is going to make my wife ask uncomfortable questions about why I did. The world would be a much better place if these were never created.
Can’t wait for his hanger abortion in a bathtub print."
I sometimes forget there are people who like their artwork with happy fluffy clouds and piss on everything else.
Damn this is looking really dark... I like it. The textures are amazing as well.
Ah ah ah so I hope he's goona watch loads of porn just before deleting his browser history, this way you'll become his pretext.
That guy's review ruled man. This is what you want! You want vitriol. You want, "THIS ACIDIC FILTH MADE ME FEEL LIKE I HAD TO SCRAPE THE PUS OFF OF MY EYES." THAT IS SUCCESS.
It's always fun. Aparently I make art to rape corps and I'm still alive only because vice exists. Anyway I don't give a fly fuck.
Thanks MD, Gaiihin, yes you're exactly right! That goddamn pervert is using my art as a cover! Hahaha, yeah if someone thinks the world would be a much better place if your art was never created, you know you're on the right road. And this road I'm on is only getting darker, weirder and covered in more fetus blood the further I Go! Look out hanger babies! I'm on my way!
I'm using that quote whenever I get around to publishing a book of art!
Right. When I was younger, I dreamt of a movie with no explicit sex or violence which would be shocking because of the dialogues. I've just made a small comics with very sober pictures ; people who read it (in front of me) were just disgusted and filled with consternation because of the text. There's still hope in this world! I guess, I managed to realise some kind of fantasy, so I just have to explore other fields now. Fantasies are made to reach incarnation. Hope when stained with temperateness is a sin!
Seasons greetings Aeron. That is a very funny review.
My wife overheard the best comment about my work. She was standing behind two middle aged women at the gallery, one of them picked up the book of my drawings from the table, looked through it and passed it to her friend, she looked through it also and passed it back saying darkly "Well, I wouldn't want to share HIS bed"
I stumbled on this recently, the blog of a photographer who is taking photos of charnel houses with decorations of bones, there are 5 or 6 pages of these photos, and the text is worth reading, very funny.
Paul Rumsey
Brilliant creepiness!
You should have the words from that review embroidered on a pillow or something, to remind you of why you are here.
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