Also, this past Friday I had to go to Hobby Lobby to get a sheet of paper for the prints, they have a decent selection of quality papers in the back sitting on a rack. I think I picked up a sheet of Arches cold press watercolor with heavy texture or something to that effect, anyway.. Black Friday you know. Walking into the store I was surrounded by a horde of zombie like old people waltzing towards the entrance, no doubt on their way to buy the most ridiculous crap in the world to fill their homes with. And what the hell, the damn paper wasn't even on sale! I guess if I came there to buy wooden sculptures of elephants sitting on tractors or something retarded like that I would have got a good deal, haha.
Damn, this critter's too cute! really cool name as well, ya can't beat making names up.
When you become aware of the white in the background suddenly the whole picture starts to shine and becomes magical around the red parts.
looks like the work of a kid who TRULY saw and was tormented by this winged creature.
No one believes him, but I do, i mean, c'mon!
Look at that picture!
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