Monday, July 13, 2009

food chain

A new duo from my Cthulhu series.

On related note, I recently watched "Cthulhu" by Dan Gildark. While it's not a perfect movie, it's definitely one of the better Lovecraft adaptations. It differs from most others in that the monsters play a very subtle role in the movie. They hardly appear at all, and when they do it's more weird than frightening. The movie features great cinematography and a rather Lynchian atmosphere. Also the gay angle was a refreshing theme for a mythos story.


SEAN said...

Wicked. These are very interesting. I love how you've applied the basic Cthulhu concepts to all these forms. Also, very nice line work as usual. As for this movie, is this the black & white one that came out a bit ago? I haven't seen it yet. Dagon has been my favorite HPL movie yet, but in the end, my favorite HPL adaptation is that early issue of Heavy Metal that is all Lovecraft stories.

Human Mollusk said...

Thanks, Sean.
No, that's a different movie. But that black & white, faux silent movie is great, too. Haven't seen Dagon myself.

Aeron said...

Amazing Cthulhu creepers! Have you thought more under what context you might present these? I could see a sort of "Guide To Planet Cthulhu" or something along those lines, with a paragraph or two dedicated to describing each of these creatures, like their eating habits, mating rituals, etc. Maybe chapters could be broken up into the different eco systems of the creatures, water based, land based, subterranean, etc.

I know these would put together would make a really amazing book!

Human Mollusk said...

Thank you Aeron, well I'm not completely sure what kind of book I'll end up doing with these. I like your suggestion, but I was thinking perhaps something like a genealogical study of C.'s family tree. We'll see.

Uland said...

Really well done. I especially like the way you used the black of the night sky as a frame.

Human Mollusk said...

Thanks, Luke.