Monday, June 09, 2008

Decrepit Cupids


Aeron said...

Incredibly haunting, David. That last one of the creepy grinning face would translate really well done on a huge scale with black splattered ink or paint.

Luke P. said...

Do you ever scare yourself while drawing, David?

zeke said...

Fantesticle! The heiroglyphics look incredibly clear, like the hyper clarity you get whilst tripping.
Wonder if they're beaming commands to the cupids from some fucked up higher being...

Paleo said...

Thanks, fantesticle translated to spanish, its Fantesticulo,which is my new favourite word.

Luke, if i take your question seriously, there's no way i can answer it truthfully, let's say that if you're gonna describe drawing as a horror narrative, then i'm the monster.

Aeron said...

I don't know if this would come across as too cheesy but if the bottom drawing could have one of the faces redrawn and isolated on a large sheet of white, put against a wall and a can of red paint or bottle of red ink poured against the mouth to drip down like the character was drooling blood could be interesting. Or better yet, swish some red ink in your mouth and put your mouth up against the drawing's mouth and drool it out yourself for.. realistic effect! So long as the ink or paint isn't toxic.