This is Trashy Cat. I don't like cats in general, but i do like scrappy alley cats that don't live indoors.

Commando Comix. A comic based on my favorite Ramones Song. Trashy Cat is featured at the end there. Also featured is Teutonic Terrapin & the Communist Straw Man.

Colonel Mustards secured the holy trinity of Oakland Grand-Lake businesses, the other two being the Grand-Lake Smoke Shop & the Grand-Lake Theatre. You could buy a hot dog, see a 50¢ movie, get a Mad Magazine & some nickel candy & you're set for the day. Nowadays, kids don't buy comic books, hot dogs are out of style, movies are too expensive & kids don't leave the house to see them, there is no such thing as nickel candy & what the hell!?!

The Masked Men (my teenage punk band) thrived on cheap Coliseum Pizza in our mysterious deep east oakland garage. They were the only & cheapest pizza place that would deliver to us. I hear that the owner just blasted a would-be robber, thus securing the philosophy of Coliseum Pizza & myself, which is to take the law into your own hands.