The music of Bryn Jones aka Muslimgauze was & remains of tremendous influence for me;
if it wasn't for discovering his method of layered analog collage, my pages would probably look very different. Talking to one of our colleagues here recently ( hola Muriel! ) who finds his output equally inspiring, we hit upon the idea of putting together a Muslimgauze tribute anthology.
So, any of you up to that?
We have no money, no publisher yet, so not even any bullshit promises of 'exposure' or such, not a single thing to offer beyond a reaffirmation of what good company we keep here.
Sign up in comments section.
"They offered hardship, poverty and danger as the only rewards for joining them. You see, they were not joking!"
- a character in Lawrence Durrell's 'Monsieur, or, the prince of darkness' describing the Knights Templar.