Friday, April 15, 2016

It was my hope that joining this blog would inspire me to do more improvised stuff, with less conscious guidance & more monsters, but so far i've only been daunted by the quality of my fellow EBDer's stuff. Well, here's a gorgon anyway.


alkbazz said...

nice ones! they remind me Morgoth's The eternal fall monster

good improvisation mostly comes in real life like hey we have one night to make this book/paint this wall/etc!
i had a good advice by a teacher when teenager, turn your head to the subject for one second, go back on paper and do what you've seen... i apply this by closing eyes, see an image and try to make it... Or by doing hazardous lines/sketch, abstract or so, then look at it and find the forms in it

Marcel Ruijters said...

I am using my improvisational skills in favour of storytelling, these days. Not so much interested in stylistic experiments. They usually get in the way of the storyline im my case. The experiments that will end up there are the result of hard work and not freestyling.

Ibrahim R. Ineke said...

Thanks, Alkbazz.
When you close your eyes in the process you describe, do you see the image before your mind's eye in your drawing style, or is your drawing a translation of an image in the shape and form of 'reality'? Do you see it as flat or with depth?

Marcel, are you saying that you don't plot- or purposefully deviate from narrative outline?

Marcel Ruijters said...

Ibrahim: i write my stories very fast, starting with key scenes. Filling up the gaps, making it to make sense, is the hard work. It's the same for my drawings. I never draw from life unless i'm forced to. The inner eye does it for me, or a very quick impression like Alkbazz describes.
One of my favorite theorettes is that intuition is actually the same as rationality - only a lot faster.

alkbazz said...

totally agree about intuition, to me science is a trying to control that but we only catch 10% of it, or less

i see sometimes drawing-like (stylish shape), sometimes i need to interpret, really depends
same as for sketches, i need to choose the final lines style
actually i think everything is done by the sketch or the first painting layer, everything else is esthetical approach and lisibility, or pleasure to make

also for comics i'm trying to start with stylish (im gonna do scrapboard, or watercolor, etc so on) then the story is totally improvised
if i do start writing, searching, i'm blocked cause all i've to do is done ^^ i've a lot of scripts that i'll never draw. At this point drawing these elaborate stories sounds like hell to me ^^

alkbazz said...

about flat/depth, i think i mostly see medieval style, as some of you describe my drawing, means flat elements but in a perspective landscape

Ibrahim R. Ineke said...

Marcel: only the Eye of the Imagination, then? ..nice to hear there's some William Blake influence there after all...

Marcel Ruijters said...

Ibrahim: Not so much an influence as a coincidental fellow traveler, i suppose.