I never know if i should cross-post from blog to blog. I'm currently operating two separate blogs & then contributing to this one. I don't want to cross-post to all of them, but sometimes feel people might miss what i'm saying, so i try to mix up the content a bit! This is actually an old piece that i can't remember if i posted here or not, but i was feeling fond of it.

It's one of the first pieces where i started to include autobiographical elements, this one is about my childhood!
Then, i thought i'd share some tattoos people have of my drawings from the early 90s when i was a post-apocalyptic Punk Rocker with Volkisch tendencies.

These two have the same drawing done.

I kind of miss the days of when i was involved in a subculture where stuff like this would happen more (people getting tattoos of my work), when i was very much tied into a group of people & was a bit of an iconoclastic shaman of sorts. Ever since i decided to become part of society, i have felt more isolated on one hand, but on the other hand, less alienated. I prefer this actually... i hate alienation.